Hey! I have just turned 19 year old, and I want to tell you about my story and my thoughts about things. I’m Finnish girl from the capital city of Finland, and I want to save the whole world. But apparently, I can’t do that. So my goal in life is at least to try to make it a better place. Some people might say that->
“you are so young, you don’t know anything about life”.
And yeah that’s partly true, BUT I have seen much from young age and that has ruined me in a way. I have heard too often->
“what doesn't kill you makes you stronger”
but my opinion is, no it doesn't. Just think through the physical pain. If somebody hits you all the time every day, do you get stronger after every punch? No, you don’t, you die eventually. And the same thing is with mental pain, only it’s worse because it’s harder to fix.
I got this idea of writing a blog from, that I know there are a lot of people who struggle with the same things that I have and I’am struggling with.
I know that I don’t know everything about life, but I know something. One thing I know is that->
“The light will come if you dare to face the dark”.
My blog is about addictions, mental health problems, family struggles and just everything about the “undercast” as many say. My blog can maybe help through my story, to make some understanding of what addictions and mental health problems are, and how they affect daily life.